The Home Depot w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Home Depot



🕗 godziny otwarcia

75, McLean Boulevard, 07514, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-357-1305
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9335518, Longitude: -74.1422482

komentarze 5

  • Eulogio Fermin

    Eulogio Fermin


    No tienen personal suficiente para ayudar a los cliente que las solicitan . Largas esperas al momento de pagar ,cajeros de pagos automáticos dañado frecuentemente si necesitas alguien que te ayude muchas veces te tienes que ir porque no lo consigue ,esos en el de paterso

  • en

    carmen perez


    Waited an hour for someone from the flooring department to help. Asked for someone several times and noone came to help ever! Theyre horrible! How does the manager himself not know where his enployees are. Is like they dont want to sell, everyone on their phones and standing around not doing anything

  • Jeimy Rosario

    Jeimy Rosario


    Nice employees but I went there to get paint since I decided to paint my bedroom. I asked a lady (and showed her the sample) for very pale green paint and I saw that the top of the can matched the color so I gave it to the painter I hired. You can imagine my anger and surprise when I saw that the light, calming, and pretty green I chose for my room, was actually a disgusting lime green shade. The color is so bright that it shines in my eyes during the day and night! The painter said that the workers must have mixed the wrong colors, I do not know exactly what happened, but I do know that now I am stuck with a very disturbing color green on my bedroom walls that only stresses me out EVERYTIME I go into the room.




    Like always a pleasure to come here, i have notice lots of people working. No more try to find who could help you. Thank You

  • Jessica Mabie

    Jessica Mabie


    Wish I could give this place a -5 and then some. my friend was held at gun point well the gentleman had it in his pocket and threatened him with it and it was very clear in view. This guy was in a tan SUV and darker color hair and ton and very tall and possible gang member by his tattoos and it was right in front of the store. This is obviously an ongoing scam there possibly known or aided by some of the employees working there. My friend left the store was in a nicer vehicle and is an older man and well dressed but really nothing flashy other than his older red Mustang. After my friend didn’t buy anything and walk out to his girl this gentleman was waiting on the street outside of the store before he could even get in his car this guy pulled right up and blocked him in. The man approached my friend in a nice wat at first but due to his demeanor he could tell something was wrong right away and he started asking about the car. That’s when my friend got scared and he realized he couldn’t move his car and that’s when the guy started getting aggressive with him and that’s when he said he had the gun made it clear to my friend but wasn’t waving it around. that’s when he said I did some work on your car to my friend basically a detail and said you owe me $150 but my friend never met this man before in his life. He said I don’t know you try to get inside his car the man blocked him again so my friend opened his wallet hoping someone inside Would see what was going on because employees could clearly see but no one did anything. My friend was hoping that he could give the man some money and he would let him leave and wouldn’t get shot and that’s when he handed him $60 and then The guy saw my friend had more and that’s when he said I will shot you and took every dime out of his wallet $250. He doesn’t care about the money even though he doesn’t have it to give. Only after he gave him everything the man left my friend get into his car go. my friend drove out of there and was too scared to contact the store right away or the police department Because they would’ve taken 30 mins to get there. however He did go back and the manager was very nasty and said what is he supposed to do even though it’s his store parking lot. he went to the police department and it’s bad area so clearly there’s not much they can do. All my friend was concerned about was other people safety. God for bid this happen to a woman with a child. That’s when I called earlier today before he went back to the store the manager wasn’t available but there was a sweet girl who took the complaint. I called back to speak with the manager who basically barked at me and cut me off said it’s not his responsibility your it’s your friend problem go to the cops even though it’s Home Depot property and my friend could sue. He wasn’t nice at all didn’t ask about his well-being so that’s why I feel like they might be involved in the scam so I called corporate to let them know what was going on hopefully they’ll do something other than having cops drive around at 10 o’clock at night when they are closed already. they should have security this is an ongoing scam in the area and it’s a bad area and people should be on high alert but somebody who’s older and might not know may not be on their guard or it could easily happen to a woman with a small child who is not paying attention. Also I definitely wouldn’t carry cash they’re only credit cards. not only did this happen they were also very rude to him in the store because he only had cash and wanted him to wait in a line of One cashier and 25 people so we put the four items back because they wouldn’t let him use the self-service with cash. So if you’re dressed nice or have a nicer car even if you’re parked right in front of the store and it’s the middle of the day because this happen at 7:30 or 8 o’clock at while it’s still light out and even if employees can see you or there’s a parking lot full of people you can still get robbed at gunpoint and no one will help you then or after and the cops don’t come right away.

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