The Home Depot w Coram

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Home Depot



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346, Middle Country Road, 11727, Coram, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-451-0685
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8681259, Longitude: -72.9969728

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chuck Schuster


    Carlos in Coram was excellent and the barbecue that we purchased was there ready for pick up. Thanks for great service to a veteran.

  • Edson Melendez

    Edson Melendez


    Helpful staff. They don't always have the same items in stock as other home depot's but they usually have what I need.

  • en

    James Luciano


    I live around the corner from this Home Depot. Between my business and home I shop here about 3 times a week. I usually just make myself around the store and help myself find what I need. This past week I needed some help with a larger order of wood flooring and asked to speak to the store manager over he phone. Howard suggested i come in and we made plans to meet up the next morning. He really went above and beyond to do the right thing, and he had Kelyse assist with the transaction. She was a sweetheart during the whole process. Made this project a lot smoother and highly recommend dealing with these people, as it is hard to find people that actually care these days.

  • Robert Vecchio

    Robert Vecchio


    Difficult to find straight lumber, and I wouldn't trust the advice of anyone that works there, but they are stocked with many fine tools and material to accomplish many tasks.

  • en

    Justin Roosevelt


    Purchased two Anderson storm doors more than $1,600 it took them nearly a year to install them they had to come back again and again made appointments with me and then didn't have the proper storm door with him the appointment was made a month in advance called me that day I mean drive out from Manhattan. I had to call Corporate Offices more than once to get somebody involved they even did damage to my house ended up giving me $5,000 to fix it approximately be very careful who you let in your house to do anything even outside

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