The Haircut Place en Greenwich

Estados UnidosThe Haircut Place



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259, Sound Beach Avenue, 06870, Greenwich, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 203-637-1313
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.029929, Longitude: -73.567141

comentarios 5

  • en

    Mark Stahl


    First time going today. Excellent cut, very fair price. I will be a return customer from now on! Thank you...

  • Ryan Murphy

    Ryan Murphy


    Took my 3 yr old without an appointment and did a nice job

  • en

    Juan Gonzalez


    This is a great place to get a haircut and beard trim. Excellent service, very professional and best of all very friendly. Every one there has cut my hair, john, Jerson , JC (I miss him, so sorry that he went back to Russia) great job guys, continue smiling and and keep up that Manchesterian humor!!

  • Robert Zeug

    Robert Zeug


    I've been going to this barber shop since I was a kid, In 20 Years of going here, and traveling all over the US. This place has always been my preferred haircut. John and Jerson have always been great and these guys have always been able to fit me in their schedule even when its a busy day.

  • en

    Stephen Vultaggio


    Paulo nailed it! I recently moved to Stamford and was looking for an affordable place to get a great haircut. Very clean place, great people, and the best haircut I've ever received. I would definitely recommend this place over any other location in the area just based on the quality of service and attention to detail- the price is an amazing bonus as well.

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