The Grow Shop llc w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Grow Shop llc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1733, East McDowell Road, 85006, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-340-7591
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4654775, Longitude: -112.0441207

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ray Right


    great experience Stephen really knew his stuff the owner was there and he even gave me a discount on my bulk order Ill be back soon.. Thanx !




    Great employees. Horrible owner.

  • Erin Ogram

    Erin Ogram


    The initial experience was pleasant, but I received the wrong type of LED Light (red instead of white). I remember when I was purchasing it, I asked a couple times that this was the white light and was assured it was correct. The boxes look the same, so I understand this happens. I had it a couple months before actually using it, so I only just realized it was wrong. I assumed since this was a small-ish shop, they may work with me and do a straight exchange or something (the bulb itself cost $80), but it was clear for the start I would not have an easy time making an exchange. Unfortunate in that I will likely not use the red light, so it will be a waste. This place will probably work better if you grow large scale...not so much for individuals.

  • en

    ryan smtih


    Crazy people who work there. Came here last week and had to wait for the "manager" to finish a cigarette before entering the store. Not sure that's how a business is supposed to be run.

  • Kenneth Torpisch

    Kenneth Torpisch


    The grow shop is the best Horticulture shop in the Valley. The staff is incredibly knowledgeable , and can help you with all your needs. Big perks to Mike....!!! Thanks ,

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