The Great American Bagel Bakery i Las Vegas

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Forenede StaterThe Great American Bagel Bakery



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Las Vegas, NV 89119, USA
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 36.0815992, Longitude: -115.1380635

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shravani PL


    Veggie supreme with tomazzo was really great!

  • Weston Fischer

    Weston Fischer


    This place is trash. I tried the Supreme Sunrise bagel sandwich and it was impressively bad. The egg tasted and looked like rubber. It looked like a frozen premadr egg patty. I've never had an egg this bad. The bacon and sausage tasted fake. Super disappointed in this "sandwich".

  • Ryan Gaddy

    Ryan Gaddy


    Really good everything bagel. Its made in that new york style where its a bit chewy. They pack on the cream cheese. Absolutely delicious. Priced is a bit high but it is at an airport so expect everything to be inflated.

  • Samantha Cronin

    Samantha Cronin


    I should have listen to the bad reviews but instead I thought “how could a bagel sandwich be bad?” It’s bad. Also the coffee is burnt and I got it first thing in the morning. Not worth the risk.

  • en

    Michael Rosner


    Terrible. I ordered a bagel with egg and avocado. The wgg was pre cooked and there was an avocado spread that barely covered the bagel almost non existent and certainly not worth $2.79 extra #notavocado. Go anywhere else.

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