The Flats BKSpeed Coffee en New York

Estados UnidosThe Flats BKSpeed Coffee



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308, Hooper Street, 11211, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-599-5151
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.707327, Longitude: -73.953716

comentarios 5

  • Marianna Rader

    Marianna Rader


    Great coffee, great atmosphere ! Friendly staff!

  • Kurt Beyer

    Kurt Beyer


    Hipster Paradise. Cool vibes and interesting coffee choices. Very polite staff. Also the breakfast burrito is awesome. Love 'em.

  • Nick Nyhan

    Nick Nyhan


    Cool small spot. They have all the makings of a good day time and nighttime spot. Couches. Stage. Big speakers. DJ booth. Basic kitchen. Good combo. Staff seemed a bit irritated...but maybe that was just today....

  • Anthony Sicola

    Anthony Sicola


    When you stumble out of your apartment, bleary-eyed and spinning from lack of sleep- stumbling to the M train, you pass this technicolor door and a mural that simply says "coffee." Intrigued, you push through the door into a finely appointed room, espresso machine firing and steaming, you know salvation is close. The Flats makes some fine espresso drinks and serves them up with delicious pastries, avocado toast, and breakfast burritos. The staff is truly helpful and nice, too, which is great when you haven't had your coffee yet.

  • Hanny Pugh

    Hanny Pugh


    My sister-in-law lives near hear and said we HAD to go. I'm very glad we did. The concept was cool. I love places that have board games to play. The cold brew was fantastic and they had great breakfast foods and a killer hot sauce. We will go back again when we get the chance!

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