The Dream Spa w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Dream Spa



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6301, Gaston Avenue, 75214, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-728-7627
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.8130304, Longitude: -96.7546315

komentarze 5

  • en

    A Google User


    I have been searching the better part of my 20's to find someone to wax and shape my eyebrows. The search is over- I found Carolyn. I have been everywhere from Frisco to Ft. Worth to a swanky, expensive Dallas salon and I haven't been in love with any of their work. Carolyn listened to what I wanted then she showed me pictures of eyebrows that were too thick, too thin and just right- even ones that had a similar arch to my natural arch. I absolutely LOVE my eyebrows and I have never said that before. Not only was she thoughtful in her work but she was super friendly as well. Carolyn, please don't ever leave Dallas!

  • en

    A Google User


    I have been going to the Dream Spa on a regular basis for over 4 years now. The reason I have been so loyal is because I always leave the Spa in a peaceful and calm mood, as well as with beautiful skin. Carolyn really does have the gentlest hands you have ever experienced. And, she does not treat you like you are on an assembly line. She does not rush you out the door because your 50 minutes is up and she has already "moved on" to her next apointment. While she is giving you a mask or some other treatment, she does not leave the room to take care of other business. She stays and treats you to a glorious hands/arms massage or reflexology on your feet. I really just love everything Carolyn does to my skin and the wonderful way I feel when I leave the Dream Spa.

  • en

    A Google User


    I've been a regular at the Dream Spa for a variety of services (waxing, facials) for over two years. Believe me when I say that you will not be disappointed. Carolyn is very talented and a kind, calming soul. My brows and skin have never looked so good, and I have a lot of experience in this arena (lived in three different cities (Chicago, San Francisco and Dallas) and been getting regular waxing/facials for over 10 years) Some other perks include the easy access, Carolyn's flexibility in working to get you the time you need to fit in with your schedule and all the great products (or product suggestions) that Carolyn can provide (NO pressure to buy).

  • en

    ellseejay navarro


    Every eight weeks (for the past four years), I go to the Dream Spa to get my eyebrows "fixed." Carolyn fusses over each and every stray hair and checks with me several times to make sure that I am happy. She rescued me from a nail place that only knew how to do brows one way: pencil thin. It is important to support a local business, and it is a joy when you find a great one.

  • en

    A Google User


    I have been getting regular facials from Carolyn now for 5 years and can't say enough good things about her services. She makes you feel very comfortable and spends the extra time to make sure you get the results that you are looking for. She is a great product consultant without being too pushy. She is also a very pleasant and honest person. I highly recommend facials at the Dream Spa!

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