The Douglas at Seattle University i Seattle

Forenede StaterThe Douglas at Seattle University



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1223, East Cherry Street, 98122, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-860-3024
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Latitude: 47.6079176, Longitude: -122.3160774

kommentar 1

  • Annie Ramsey-Shearer

    Annie Ramsey-Shearer


    DO NOT MOVE HERE!!! I live in the Douglas Apartments on 12th & Cherry located on Seattle University's campus. Living here I have encountered so many problems!! If you are a student thinking about moving here, I wouldn't do it! To begin, everything inside is SO cheap. I sit on the toilet and the toilet seat falls off, I open a cabinet and that falls off, and my carpet is ripping? Yet I am paying $1750 a month for this?! I also have come across every freaking bug you could ever imagine, spiders, beetles, worms, centipedes, ANTS! and I keep my place very clean. The biggest complaint is that since the building is made so cheap the walls and floors are so thin I can hear the conversations of the people above me and I can hear them walking around every single night. I have not had one good night sleep since December and I wish I was just exaggerating. It is ridiculous how loud they are above me, all they are doing is walking around yet it sounds like an earthquake down below. Currently, I am listening to them right now and not able to fall asleep. I have spoken to my landlord about it many times and she basically says unless she hears it herself she doesn't believe me and to suck it up. She tells me to call the after hours emergency line when I hear noises and every time they ask me my name and what the complaint is and that they are going to record it into their system. Well wouldn't you have recognized a pattern of me calling damn near every night for over a month? They never took anything seriously. I have hated living here the entire time and honestly I wish I could just have my money back because not being able to sleep EVERY NIGHT due to noise above is not a comfortable living space. Since it is a college building we have RA's, I also contact them just for them to tell me they can't enter the building legally and if I have issues call the police!? I tried to contact the Resident Director who over sees the RA's and it took him 2 weeks to get back to me just to say he won't meet with me. Overall, I would never live here again it has been absolutely awful.

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