The Douglas Apartments w Wichita

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Douglas Apartments



🕗 godziny otwarcia

200, East Douglas Avenue, 67202, Wichita, Sedgwick County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 316-768-6776
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.6862116, Longitude: -97.3366819

komentarze 5

  • Thomas Bedard

    Thomas Bedard


    The Douglas is a great apartment building run by friendly, helpful, and courteous staff. The building is well-maintained and the units are spacious, modern, and quiet. The location can't be beaten and the unit prices, which include a gym, valet parking, and great roof deck, are great. Moving here from the NYC area felt effortless because the staff (especially Anya and Lucy) were extremely helpful and accommodating.

  • Shane Fleming

    Shane Fleming


    My experience as a resident/tenant at The Douglas Apartments was tremendous. It exceeded my expectations across the board. Anya (The Manager at the Douglas) and her Resident Services Team was always accessible, friendly and responsive. In addition, the maintenance crew took care of all my needs promptly, professionally and completely - top notch! The complex was always clean and I never experienced any extended nuisance or had any repair issues of substance with respect to the building or it's services and amenities. I had a 2 + bedroom loft on the 9th floor and feel I had the best view in the city. The amenities really set the Douglas apart from the other complexes I looked at before deciding on The Douglas. I got great use out of the 24 hour fitness center -- it was well equipped, clean, odorless and it had just the right amount of air flow and room temperature for working out. The residents' Sky Deck was another phenomenal amenity. It has an amazing panoramic view of the city and an abundance of grills, fire-pits and cabanas for residents and their guests. The sky deck was a big factor in my decision to go with The Douglas and I enjoyed it immensely while living there. My loft was ultra-hip with a historic charm; very open an comfortable; lots of natural light (I had an entire wall of windows), great flooring, high ceilings, stainless steel appliances. I loved living at the Douglas -- in the heart of downtown and walking distance to Old Town -- the perfect location - from my perspective. I strongly encourage anyone interested in living in the Downtown Wichita / Old Town Wichita area be sure to check out The Douglas - you will be impressed!

  • Robyn Andrade

    Robyn Andrade


    Apartments are great. Parking situation is not. Valet parking is required in the building that I live. A valet employee caused $2,500+ in damages to my car, and the company refuses to pay as there is “no proof it occurred in the garage”. However, I have spoken to auto body shops regarding the damage and they all have said the damage was caused by a cement pole, like those in the garage. After looking through the garage, it is evident numerous cars have hit the poles and this is not an isolated incident. Would not recommend living here to avoid having to deal with this.

  • en

    Calvin Colasanto


    The staff kicks some serious butt. Rooms are modern and cool! Douglas side apartments are loud Wish the pool was a real pool though! 😜

  • en

    Ryan McGinnis


    I have a corner apartment on the 6th floor and I love it. Bars and restaurants are in easy walking distance and my apartment is peaceful and quiet. Added bonus is that my windows are well insulated so I only hear an occasional loud motorcycle. Otherwise it’s quiet and very relaxing. The rooftop pool is good for lounging, the fire pits are a wonderful place to unwind and I love shooting pool in the lounge. My dog loves the dog spa and the dog park, as well as the parks right across the street. My wife and I love our apartment and never plan on leaving!

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