The Dent Guy en Bethpage

Estados UnidosThe Dent Guy



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Woolsey Avenue, 11714, Bethpage, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 888-720-3368
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.743651, Longitude: -73.475352

comentarios 5

  • en

    Joe Marrone


    I was told by someone else that the dent on my car couldn’t be taken out because of the spot it was in. I’m glad I called JR because in a few minutes he was able to get the dent out. His years of experience and talent is why he was able to get the dent out. He is the only person to call when you need paintless dent removal period.

  • michael singh

    michael singh


    Jr. took the dent out of my Wife's car in less than half hour. Reliable guy with work and time. Def recommend him for any dent removal.

  • en

    Phil B


    I’ve used Omar twice now. Incredible at what he does. Results are excellent. Highly recommended.

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    Eduardo Blanco


    THE DENT GUY is the REAL DEAL!!! This guy Omar is very professional and make you feel like you are family. The price is super and the work is super professional. Definitely will recommend him.

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    Rob D


    Had a dent in 2015 Tahoe on the door up to the edge. Tough repair due to the crimp where the metal meets. Omar arrived and took care of it. 17 years experience shows when it comes to a complicated repair. Reasonable price, professional and great communication. Just text him a picture of your dent, easy and reliable. Thanks Omar!

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