The Corner Studio w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Corner Studio



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379, Main Street, 02155, Medford, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 781-395-1025
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.4049252, Longitude: -71.1081582

komentarze 5

  • William Martin

    William Martin


    I've been going here every week for a few years now. I spent 16 months searching for a home to buy that was walking distance to this studio. Why? Not only is the yoga instruction great, but Jenna has built a community around this studio. The vibe here is much more friendly and casual than other studios I've practiced at. There's a good variety of classes at convenient times for the best price in the area.

  • en

    Melissa Kalenderian


    After my gym canceled a few of the yoga classes I was attending regularly, I was on the hunt for a studio that offered a variety of classes at a reasonable price...then I found the Corner Studio. They offer many different types of yoga and have a variety of payment and class options that make yoga much more affordable than other studios in the area. Jenna and her team are friendly, accommodating, experienced, and knowledgeable; they create a comfortable, clean, and calming environment for all levels of practice.

  • en

    Michael Pfitzer


    The Corner Studio is an amazing place. I was a complete yoga newbie a year ago when I came to try out the studio. I have really appreciated the warmth and encouragement of the instructors and the skill with which they lead their "All Levels" classes, allowing newbies like me and experienced folks all have a positive experience. This is also a true community, and I now see friends and acquaintances at the weekly class I attend. I've always felt positive walking out the door, no matter what energy I brought in. Definitely come try it out!

  • Allyson Hawkins

    Allyson Hawkins


    The Corner Studio is fantastic! I had stepped away from yoga for a few years and felt very welcomed back to the practice by the instructors there. Every instructor whose class I've attended strikes a great balance between being helpful/instructive and letting you do your own thing if needed. The space is beautiful and calming, and there is a community vibe there as well (if you want to be a part of that). All around a great place!

  • Veronica Romanov

    Veronica Romanov


    Literally my favourite yoga studio. I've been to other yoga places, but The Corner Studio has the best array of classes and instructors. I have never been disappointed with a class and also never felt like the class was not inclusive of all bodies and capabilities.

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