The Cloisters Apartments w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Cloisters Apartments



🕗 godziny otwarcia

136, Michigan Avenue Northeast, 20017, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 833-280-2867
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9288449, Longitude: -77.0056948

komentarze 5

  • Dakota Beck

    Dakota Beck


    What is the cloister





  • Sahar Lewis

    Sahar Lewis


    This place is in one of the best locations with reasonable pricing and units that have nice fixtures and look modern. Never had a problem, the staff is great and really accommodating. The apartments are nice and homey. I lived on the ground level apartment and never saw a rodent or roach. The place is clean. I enjoyed living there!!! Shout out to Marianne and Vanessa in the leasing office they do a great job!

  • James Robertson

    James Robertson


    I have been here almost 5 years and I can truely say I have not had one problem. When I ask for something to be fix its fix within a day. Staff is always kind an friendly to me.

  • en

    A Google User


    I'm also going to keep this simple: Rodent infestation, absolutely incompetent staff (even with the change in management), terrible parking situation (my car WITH A RESIDENT PARKING STICKER was towed from the lot to my expense despite multiple discussions with management concerning this situation), zero security, trash build up. I moved out two months ago (best decision I have ever made) and am still dealing with their incompetency in something as simple as alerting the water company that my roommate and I have in fact moved. I cannot express enough how much of an unnecessary hassle working with any member of the staff in the office is. I beg you not to move here. If it was possible to give this place no stars, I would.

najbliższy Agencja Nieruchomości

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