The Cliffs at Valhalla w Valhalla

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Cliffs at Valhalla



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Commerce Street, 10595, Valhalla, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-328-7625
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.088157, Longitude: -73.787217

komentarze 5

  • en

    Eugene Lee


    Awesome place for kids and adults. Been here several times and staff is always fantastic.

  • Danielle Craighead

    Danielle Craighead


    Took my 6 year old today as school was unexpectedly canceled. Alan introduced us and even helped coach my daughter. There were three lines where you don't need someone to help which was more enough for us. My daughter has climbed before at lifetime fitness. This was more challenging for her but she did great. Alan even showed her how to boulder (safely) and gave her challenge routes which she loved. I'd recommend this facility for sure. Thanks for a great day today!

  • Caleb Wilson

    Caleb Wilson


    The Cliffs for $29 deal was included with a harness and climbing shoes. The staff were very friendly and informative. They give a first time climbers a short introduction and then have fun. Well worth trying at least once.

  • abigail bacon

    abigail bacon


    Everyone who works at The Cliffs was incredibly helpful, friendly, and supportive. I was really impressed with the way the staff belayers interacted with all the kids (and adults!). For the NY area I'm sure their prices are comparable and we spent a great 3 hours there. We were all beginners and had plenty to do even without being skilled enough to approach 2/3 (or more) of the climbing areas. As an added bonus we forgot 2 of our coats there and the staff generously mailed them back to us (since we're not at all local). A really terrific place with a welcoming atmosphere.

  • Tess



    First thought when walking in was, this can’t be all of it. Tiny. Short routes. Kids running around recklessly. Required to put a unstable mat under you while bouldering 🙄 (which increases your chance of injury btw). Boulder routes are not marked with ranking and you are required to go check a photo of routes to figure out what to climb-annoying. More of a kids or very casual climber gym. Not for those who want to get stronger or develop better technique. But I suppose it’s better than nothing for the area.

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