The Brass Tap i Tampa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Brass Tap



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1600, East 7th Avenue, 33605, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-241-0000
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Latitude: 27.9603661, Longitude: -82.4414508

kommentar 5

  • en

    shaitrice culver


    They have change the girls there and honestly some of them need to be better at the customer service skills!

  • en

    Jesse Rios


    Had some great ice cold ipa's, awesome tacos and a cigar. Definitely going back

  • en

    Danielle Ross


    Great service and the chicken sliders are amazing! Great beer selection with an awesome atmosphere.

  • Seen Love

    Seen Love


    Bar and restaurant located on 7th Avenue. Open air to the street so you can watch people walk by. Nice feature. Our server was environmentally hip which was nice.

  • 813 Magazine

    813 Magazine


    Must say that on our food tour of Ybor, that we were pleasantly surprised by the food offering on The Brass Tap menu. The Prime Rib Nachos and the Peri Peri Chicken sandwich are phenomenal. What makes it even better is that they deliver when we can't get out of the office. I even picked up an order at 10:30PM the other night on my way home from an event. Plenty of beer on tap for the newbs and the discerning drinkers. Great job guys

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