The Big Salad Shop w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Big Salad Shop



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915, L Street, 95814, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-497-0700
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.578457, Longitude: -121.495316

komentarze 5

  • Rebekah Smith

    Rebekah Smith


    My Cobb salad was a generous size, but moderate quality. Service was very friendly and helpful

  • Jared L

    Jared L


    I had the chicken wrap which was really good. The salads are indeed big and looked great. Everything seemed fresh and crisp. It was a bit busy during lunch time and it's small but nothing unbearable

  • Janis Price

    Janis Price


    Cool spot in an out of the way place. Staff ready to make sandwich recommendations based on the (dumpster fire) state of the day I am having. The honey butter really does make happiness. Tea done right. Sandwich named for a beloved journalist.

  • datxicana



    Mmmmmm...not my favorite. I have had a couple of salads here and the best part about them was their size (I was able to make 2 meals out of one). Their sandwiches were average and so was their customer service. I definitely think there are better places for lunch in downtown.

  • Tevis Spezia

    Tevis Spezia


    Met a friend who works downtown here for lunch the other day. I went in thinking salad and changed my mind to get the California Club because it sounded and looked so delicious. Ordering was easy and the staff was very efficient in receiving and delivering the order. My friend and I had our food in less than 2 minutes it felt like. The sandwich was a good size and it came with a side dish. The food was tasty and fresh, which was great. This place seemed like a great spot for the downtown crowd, so there was plenty of seating indoors and outdoors. If you're in a hurry they let you take it to go too. Definitely check it out for an affordable, delicious lunch near the capital.

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