The Bagel Shop i El Paso

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Bagel Shop



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3800, North Mesa Street, 79902, El Paso, El Paso County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 915-532-7070
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.787468, Longitude: -106.5056114

kommentar 5

  • Alpha Omega Bustillos

    Alpha Omega Bustillos


    I have always loved this place! Only thing is the service.. the lady who took our orders didn't really know English so it was hard for some of us to order..

  • en

    David Berry


    The Bagels are good, prices not bad for something made that day. You can also buy their day old bagels at a lower price, and hardly notice a difference. Service wise, I'm not impressed. Cashier calls me "ma'am" every time I go, which would be nice if I were a woman, and not offensive if I looked like one. The same cashier has charged me for 6 bagels when I bought five. On another occasion, I ordered a half dozen bagels, sliced, and they were all sliced just over half way through... What's the point of that, except to intentionally piss off customers?

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    Michelle Barrett


    Fabulous bagel sandwich had the TBA on garlic bagel with swiss cheese just YUMMY!

  • Mandy R.

    Mandy R.


    Free coffee refills, and really good cinnamon rolls. Unfortunately when I went a young boy threw up right in the lobby. There were only two workers at the time and I'm not sure if neither saw what happened, but a customer ended up cleaning it.

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    Ana Kay Acuňa


    Our favorite spot to visit!! My husband and I have been loyal supporters of the Bagel Shop since our college days. We've never tried the breakfast options since we usually get a lunch sandwich. My husband likes the fifth avenue and I like the chicken breast sandwich. They come with a side of chips and a pickle. The downsides are that their prices continuously increase! It's a tad bit pricey for just a sandwich with a pickle and chips. Drinks are sold separately. Unfortunately they don't have the best customer service and their employees tend to not be on the cordial/friendly side. Their manager (she's been there since we started going) won't even look at you in the eye and she's very short. She ALWAYS looks beat down and doesn't make you feel all. Not the friendliest atmosphere but we enjoy the Bagel sandwiches so much we JUST have to keep going! We wish they had extended hours over the weekend since they close so early on weekdays. Another downside is that they never have ice or drinks in their machine. I always like getting lemonade and it's always water. We constantly have to ask for ice. P.s. their cinnamon sugar bagel with the almond creme cheese is a great dessert!

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