The B Hive Organic Salon en Hillsdale

Estados UnidosThe B Hive Organic Salon



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269, Broadway, 07642, Hillsdale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-470-4483
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.008496, Longitude: -74.0419652

comentarios 5

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    John Powers


    Jessica Najarian works here, known as the best men's hairstylist in Bergen county. She's also an exceptional women's hairstylist. My wife started going here when we were expecting our first child because they have organic hair dye which is safe. James, the owner, is so knowledgeable about both men's and women's hair and body products, and they carry the best ones.

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    margarita cazares


    Liz is excellent! She is helpful & knowledgeable. I was able to get the perfect highlights & haircut based on her suggestions. Everyone is always polite & professional. Worth the 45 min trip!

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    Amy Nickerson Goldstein


    The only pace I will go for my hair. I had been salon hopping trying to find the right fit for 4 years when I moved to Bergen County. When I walked in the B Hive Salon I knew I found the places. The atmosphere is inviting and relaxing. Jeana is amazing and I think my color looks great. I love that the products use. No harsh chemical smells here.

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    stacey wood


    Jeana gave me an excellent hair cut and actually listened to what I wanted. This is the first haircut I've had in years that I've been so happy with. I've gone from place to place looking and I'm so glad I found her !!

  • Bill Stevens

    Bill Stevens


    Clean, professional and amazing stylists at this salon .Everyone is so nice too.

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