The Art of Shaving w Garden City

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Art of Shaving



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630, Old Country Rd, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-248-3905
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7368246, Longitude: -73.6120406

komentarze 5

  • R A

    R A


    Had an 8 o clock appointment made at the store, arrived to find a person in seat still, waited a half hour in store and person was still not done. Asked person at register if they'll be ready soon, gave us no time frame. Basically a waste of time, left when guy in chair said he wasn't happy and wanted adjustments. Complete waste of my time.

  • en

    Bira Huah


    I have a super picky fiancé and JR did a great job with his haircut and shave. JR was attentive to detail and was friendly as well. Definitely will be back!

  • en

    michael viviano


    Consistently great haircut and shave with Mike. He also has a wealth of knowledge about hair styling. I have gotten more compliments since I started going to him. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Heather Cohen


    My husband came here for a shave on our wedding day a week ago. While my father has been here before for a decent shave, he returned with my then-fiancé for our wedding, and the both of them had a less than adequate experience. The shave was not very close, and my husband broke out in a terrible infection the next day. It was horrible. My husband has normally clear skin without acne at all. He had red and white pustules all over his poor face all because of this shave. I don't know what they did, but we definitely do not recommend. Save yourself and shave yourself!

  • en

    Tony Montana


    Agree with Dr. Ricardo, the store since new management has gone down the tube. I used to frequent the store at least twice a month for a beard trim by Derek who is a gentlemen and professional. I have been calling and no one is answering the phone. I cant imagine this store in business for much longer. Shame.

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