The Arena Barbershop i Uniondale

Forenede StaterThe Arena Barbershop



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1198, Hempstead Turnpike, 11553, Uniondale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-557-5586
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7184465, Longitude: -73.591003

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gavinn James


    Cheap and they are great to talk to, recommended to all my friends

  • en

    W I


    Good proximity to Hofstra - if you're a student there, it's worth a try. They give damn good haircuts.

  • stilltime Maccabbee

    stilltime Maccabbee


    Love the feeling of being home which they present every time... Also the level of professionalism given by every barber!!

  • en

    Robert Balkam


    Great barbershop, they always greet you and make you feel welcomed when you walk in. Great with working around your busy schedule to make sure they can get you in for a haircut. Drive 30 minutes each way to make sure I get my haircut here. Highly recommend checking this place out!

  • en

    ben berry


    This barber shop is great. Doesn't matter who you are - you'll be respected and taken care of. The owner James definitely has a lot of experience and will cut exactly what you ask for. I have hair that is very different than what most barbers are used to but that wasn't an issue here. It's easy to get to and they take walk-ins or appointments. Price is very reasonable too. I don't normally write reviews but it's always a pleasure going here so I had no problem taking the time to write this.

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