The Anchor Fish & Chips w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Anchor Fish & Chips



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302, 13th Avenue Northeast, 55413, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 612-676-1300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.0007658, Longitude: -93.2643461

komentarze 5

  • Isaac A

    Isaac A


    One of the best fish and chips ever! Burgers are awesome, too. The other food has been somewhat lackluster for me, but tasted very authentic and may just not be for me. Still highly worth going to for a burger or fish and chips.

  • liederess



    Great food. Delicious Irish Stew and of course, the fish and chips were superb, but expect them to be greasy. That didn't stop my friend from sneaking most of my chips! They don't take reservations so expect significant wait time at standard meal times. Go early! It's worth it!

  • Adam Beaudry

    Adam Beaudry


    My wife and visted for the first time. We liked the atmosphere and the service. I had the fish and chips and they reminded me of London. It was very good! My wife had the grass fed burger. She enjoyed it very much. We will definitely be back.

  • en

    Patrick Evans


    I believe this is the best place in the Twin Cities to get English style fish and chips. Normally I don't like tartar sauce, but theirs is delicious. It's worth the 50 cents extra. Their curry and gravy are also excellent dipping sauces. The non-fish menu items are pretty good but not as good as the fish. The interior is fairly small and groups will likely need to wait for a table. However, they do a lot of take-away business so you can order ahead and take your fish elsewhere (Dangerous Man a block away is an excellent place to eat fish and drink craft beer). The parking lot is also a little small; street parking isn't bad since there is a lot near the intersection. The staff are friendly and willing to answer questions.

  • Tony Gao

    Tony Gao


    Fun place to be. Small interior. Quick service. Sit at the bar and see them prep the fresh fish and deep fry it before your eyes. Served piping hot. Can get very busy.

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