Thai Chili & Sushi w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneThai Chili & Sushi



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East 40th Avenue, 80239, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-307-1119
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7734441, Longitude: -104.7988206

komentarze 5

  • en

    J H


    Great food and fair pricing. Portions are oversized and can easily be shared. The world wor wonton soup is the only thing I've eaten here that is not to die for. Seating is pretty close together, but it is usually not too busy. The parking is less than ideal as there are many businesses in the area, but dont get scared that they are too busy. We are typically immediately seated and food comes out fast, but fresh.

  • Anne Dann

    Anne Dann


    I needed a quick gluten free and dairy free dinner during my brother's layover. Thai can typically do that pretty my neighborhood. Since dairy free is a new restriction for me, I asked the waitresses if my curry would be gf\df. Unfortunately, at Thai Chili, only steamed vegetables with meat and brown sauce or sushi with gf soy sauce fit my needs. Our waitresses was very helpful and checked with the manager to verify what I could have. I enjoyed a great platter of rainbow sushi! My family loved their pad Thai and curries. It was a great experience for all of us. Thank you awesome waitress!

  • Alain Rivas

    Alain Rivas


    Seemed authentic but really a let down good seemed like the type you would get out of a microwave dinner the eel sauce was not really eel sauce. I had the general tsao and typically it has a little kick to it this one was bland spice wise. I also ordered the dragon roll which was the best out of both

  • en

    marissa Nagle


    I always have a great experience coming to Thai Chili. They have great customer service and there sushi is delicious! There crab wontons are also amazing. Check out there sunshine roll.

  • Ryan Gaddy

    Ryan Gaddy


    Fascinating that food. The$35 couple deal is the way to go. Choice of soup, shared appetizer, entree, shared dessert and drinks. The edamame was delicious but perhaps too salty. Nice portion for two people. The coconut curry was delicious and had leftovers for the next day. The tiramisu was not made in house, definitely came from a package and Frozen but was delicious nonetheless. Service was great.

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