Thai Basil en North Las Vegas

Estados UnidosThai Basil



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2696, West Ann Road, 89031, North Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 702-656-8823
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.2623265, Longitude: -115.1780313

comentarios 5

  • en

    Lydia perez


    The guy (waiter) kept watching over me, making sure I ate all of the food for happy hour. I wasn't planning on taking the rest home. Needles to say, I didn't eat in peace. Food was good, service sucked!

  • Joe Salvatore

    Joe Salvatore


    The food is always fresh and delicious. We've been dining here for over 12 years and the service has been consistently good the entire time. It has a very casual, relaxing atmosphere. Thai Basil is our favorite restaurant in town.

  • en

    Kristen Woodruff


    Although it is very surprising the sushi here is fantastic. Never thought I would say this about a Thai restaurant. The sushi chef is great and always makes consistent rolls. They have great specials on their sushi from Monday through Thursday.

  • Maria To

    Maria To


    Best food ever had a bentonite box with Mongolian Beef the most tender meat EVER! 😄 best Tempura and the tastiest house special fried rice! 😄 EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT! 5 STARS all around. 😃

  • Angialena Niumata-Seui

    Angialena Niumata-Seui


    Such friendly service. Love that they have vegan options. Good size portions. And I always get a free lemonade while I wait for my order. :) When I came here for the first time, I asked so many questions about different dishes on their menu and the lady that was answering them never showed any signs of impatience.

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