TGF Hair Salon w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneTGF Hair Salon



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255, East Basse Road, 78209, San Antonio, Bexar County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 210-930-0100
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.4938771, Longitude: -98.4803158

komentarze 5

  • en

    Pete Hernandez


    This is the only place that I'll come to get my entire families hair cut. Tom (Manager) is GREAT & handles all of our hair cuts personally. I personally had started coming here even before Tom took over management, but as my boys grew older they wanted to get their hair cut by an expert as well. Now that they're teenagers they & I come more frequently to see Tom. My wife & daughter always have a blast when coming to appointments with us as well. Most professional salon I've come across with staff that's always booked due to their professionalism & expertise!

  • Katie Rodriguez

    Katie Rodriguez


    I made a last minute, same day appointment and was scheduled with Michelle. She is AMAZING!!! She explained everything she was doing and gave me exactly what i wanted. I went from blonde to medium brown, she looked over pictures i had and explained which swatch would match best. She took time to really assess my hair and gave me a beautiful cut too. I had asked for a trim, needed to get all the dead ends off, and she did that, left a lot more length than i thought I’d be able to have and suggested (then did) the best layered cut I’ve ever had. My hair feels and looks its best ever! Thank you so much Michelle, I’ll definitely be back! Update 3/4/18 I went back today and Michelle was out sick so I saw Olga and she was great too!!! Very attentive to what I wanted as well as discussing styling tips and products to get what I was needing. This salon has given me the best experiences of any salon I’ve been to! Very affordable too!!

  • Team Rothenberger

    Team Rothenberger


    Absolutely horrible haircut. Had to go back to get a touch up and my hair is still all chopped up. Would never ever recommend or return. Save your money and your dignity and go elsewhere, this place is a joke.

  • Andrea Pena

    Andrea Pena


    Olga was amazing. Very quick and efficient, was in and out in less than an hour. She was very helpful and gave lots of tips to keep hair healthy. Also very affordable

  • en

    Teresa Silvas


    I love this place they are always so nice. I have only had work done with Matthew and, just love love love the way my hair and, eyebrows come out!! I always refer my friends and family or anyone asking for a good stylist in San Antonio. Thank you for always keeping me looking BEAUTIFUL! ❤💇💆

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