Texas Treatment Services w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneTexas Treatment Services



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4801, Brentwood Stair Road, 76103, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-492-9383
strona internetowej: texastreatment.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7586832, Longitude: -97.2510318

komentarze 5

  • en

    Charles Kinson


    Nikki always goes above and beyond to make sure that everyone is o.k and has what they need... Even at last minute notice on her own rime after hours she will answer the phone , and help you with whatever issue you may have. Carlos is an awesome counseler, that actually cares about your well being .

  • Tonya Waddle

    Tonya Waddle


    It's a really great place.They are very helpful

  • Wayne Hastings

    Wayne Hastings


    I have been coming here for 20, yes 20 years and the people here are absolutely amazing. They will go out of their way to help you and take the time to listen to your concerns. I have had many councilors over the 20 years and there is none better than Laurie and Carlos. Now that the angel Nikki runs the place you can get the attention you need and help when you need it. She is very caring and loving towards us people in recovery. Dr. Arce runs the place with a "one on one" situation. NOT a "one thing fits everybody " approach. Thank you everyone at the clinic for being so caring. When I had my heart attack on Christmas day last year (2 months ago) I NEVER felt so Loved. God Bless....

  • en

    Angie Marcantel


    Love it and everyone there are great , caring and very understanding. If you do right and what your supposed to be doing then it's wonderful. And if not ,well idk cause I do right lol ... But I've been here for 7 years now and it's great ,ppl are great everything is great .

  • Dianna Louise

    Dianna Louise


    IMO, a much better fit for me than the HaltoM TTS!

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