Texas de Brazil w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneTexas de Brazil



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101, North Houston Street, 76102, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-882-9500
strona internetowej: texasdebrazil.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7567914, Longitude: -97.3340933

komentarze 5

  • Cristofer Seven

    Cristofer Seven


    I love this place. The service is top notch. Everyone is so friendly and the atmosphere is fantastic. However, it’s the food that keeps us coming back. It is delight to dine on so many delicious meats. They are all so well prepared. I flip my card to red just to savor what I’ve gotten, and then I flip it back to green to enjoy more. Eating here is one of those simple pleasures I indulge in, from time to time. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Maria Carden


    We've come here numerous times and every time we've come it has been wonderful! I love the variety of the salad bar. This time I noticed that they have removed many salad items that they used to have, but, it is still very good. The meats were much better this time, as well, maybe because we got there at 4:30 and they start serving dinner at 5:00. We now know to go earlier then later. Will absolutely go back!

  • en

    Ashley Fuqua


    The food is amazing and it's all you can eat. The salad bar - which is all you can eat as well, can be purchased alone-has lots to choose from. Many different cheeses, meats, smoked salmon, veggies and a couple soups to enjoy. If you decide to purchase the entire buffet the servers just keep bringing different meats until you flip your token to red. When you decide you're ready for more just flip the token back to green. Expect chicken, pork, beef and lamb all in various flavors. They bring an endless bowl of mashed potatoes to serve yourself and these wonderful cheesy bread bites. They have a full bar so order whatever you want. I didn't give 5 star because I felt a little crammed. Not much room and the restrooms are upstairs. This is a pricey dining experience about $50/ per person or $25 for just salad bar. If I'm not mistaken, they charge per soda! Oh yeah pay for parking.

  • en

    Bianca Hanson


    So dang good! Our second time here and I can’t wait to go back. The meat is either cooked or cured in rock salt(can’t remember) so it might be a little salty to some, personally I love it! Not all the meat is made that way though. They have different cuts of beef, the garlic sirloin is my favorite and the flank steak was my husbands favorite, chicken, sausage, pork, and lamb. My husband loved the lamb the first visit but didn’t care too much for it the second time. Our server, Rachel, was very attentive and helpful with questions. We were sitting kind of in the corner and we were worried we wouldn’t get as many meats as the first time (we sat near the kitchen our first visit) but our server was constantly walking by and checking on us and asking if there were any meats we wanted to try! They do have a salad bar with different items but I would recommend only getting a little bit, or something you want to try because the meat is endless and you’ll want as much room in your stomach as possible! We paid for two meals, spring water (in a bottle, about $6), and two alcoholic drinks and it was about $130 before the tip. It’s a great place for a birthday or anniversary or any special occasion. We went the first time for our anniversary and got a dessert on the house, bananas foster pie and it was so good! Definitely would recommend! Picture is my after dinner drink, Licor 43 and espresso over ice

  • timntracy white

    timntracy white


    Had a great meal. They have a huge salad bar with all your typical salad ingredients plus cheeses and seafood and meat. They have a bar in the second floor. It's known for its meat. The servers bring out the meat to your table and you decide if you want to try it or not. They keep doing it until you turn your token over which lets them know you are full. The fried bananas are very good too. It is a little expensive but worth it. I will definitely be back.

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