Terrace Room w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneTerrace Room



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530, William Penn Place, 15219, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-553-5235
strona internetowej: www.omnihotels.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4405855, Longitude: -79.9964428

komentarze 5

  • en

    C N


    Vibe: Conservative, classic Decor: Traditional Food: Average. It's not bad, it's not great. Service: Too slow. I've been here for lunch and been late getting back to work. Overall: I think the Terrace Room is due for a major overhaul. There are too many hipper, funkier, great dining options within a one-block walk for them to rest on their laurels. Put it this way, on a Saturday night, we couldn't get a reservation anywhere in town between 5:00 and 8:00 except for here. They need to up their game, and soon, otherwise it will go downhill.

  • Kelsey Meadows

    Kelsey Meadows


    Went there for my birthday and had a wonderful time! The food was AMAZING and they even brought cheesecake out for my birthday. I had the NY strip and it was cooked perfectly. Would recommend!

  • Trish Digliodo

    Trish Digliodo


    Sunday brunch is outstanding! Awesome selection of high quality food. Three different butters and 6 jams to choose from - what more could you want?!

  • Amy Graff

    Amy Graff


    Excellent dinning experience. Great selection of food. Everything I ate was fantastic. For breakfast ask for Marty and for dinner as for Slavko. Both are phenomenal waiters. 😃

  • Foodlover Girl

    Foodlover Girl


    When I was staying at the Omni William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, I got to experience a part of their historical part, their restaurant called the Terrace Room. This hotel screamed history from the moment I waked in, which was awesome. There were plenty of seating, and the architecture was really amazing, They have original molded plaster ceiling with mahogany arches. Beautiful chandeliers and elegant atmosphere. This restaurant was opened in 1916, and I got to peek into the history even just a little but by being in this space. The variety of the buffet was pretty nice, I was liking what I was seeing. They had eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, biscuits & gravy, and so much more. What I enjoyed the most was their smoked salmon. Very fresh and tasty! Unfortunately, I was not super hungry, so I didn’t get as much as I wanted to try. I did get some eggs, breakfast potatoes, smoked salmon, blueberry maple sausage patty, mini muffin and fresh fruits. They were all pretty tasty and I had no complaints. Their special sausage patty was juicy and packed with flavor, and smoked salmon was meaty and fresh. They were not amazing, but I was happy with their offerings. The server was very nice and friendly. Food was better than I expected, especially the selections. I wish if I was hungry enough to have more… Regardless, I had a nice breakfast here, surrounded by rich history. Read my full review of the restaurant and food on my food blog, foodlovergirl.

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