Temkin Evan M DDS w Syosset

Stany ZjednoczoneTemkin Evan M DDS


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

175, Jericho Turnpike, 11791, Syosset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-921-4321
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.810755, Longitude: -73.5099354

komentarze 5

  • en

    chris pirozzi


    Horrible DDS he makes decisions for new york State compensation and makes ill informed medical decisions for patients he has never even seen in person. I was hit in the lower jaw at work. Had to go through NYS compensation. First I went to my favorite DDS Nick Augenbaum located out In Rocky point Phenomenal DDS had taken x-rays and extracted part of the tooth the was still lodged in my gum. Ounce that was taken care of. He sent out all the information to this DDS Evan temkin. He wrote a report against my dental work saying how it was my medically necessary and how the x-rays were too dark and illegible. So juat based on that and not actually having me come in for a consultation and actually take a look at my teeth he just went and denied my NYS compensation based on dark and illegible x-rays. Now Im sitting here writing this with a huge gap in my teeth having problems chewing and biting.

  • en

    Jessica Washington


    Dr. Temkin and his staff are Awesome. It is worth the drive for me.

  • Dan Meisner

    Dan Meisner


    I've been to many dentists as I've moved around in the past few decades. Dr. Temkin and his staff are the best there is. They really go above and beyond.

  • en

    Cathy Greeley


    Professional office. Very caring dentist and entire staff. Very accommodating with scheduling. Highly recommend this dentist. *****

  • Gregory Rahman

    Gregory Rahman


    Bad appointments, scheduling and confirmation and follow up. Improperly fitted crowns and bridges need to be completely redone and paid for again .Not timely treatment of infections and other issues. bad back office organization and billing of Insurance. I will never do business with him again.!

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