Tedd Cycle Inc in Newburgh

Vereinigte StaatenTedd Cycle Inc



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436A, Robinson Avenue, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 845-565-2806
webseite: www.vtwinmfg.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.5176265, Longitude: -74.0194545

kommentare 3

  • en

    Richard Wright


    I called and got turned down to speak with anyone for parts/tech support because I wasn’t a dealer!! I was going to order parts but had a question. Well I guess they don’t like money to much so I’ll bring my business some where else! !!!

  • en

    greg gasper


    Don't buy anything from V-twin if you expect to get any Tech assistance with the products they make! I just called with an installation question and was told to contact dealer I bought the part from. When I asked if they had any technical info about the part THEY made. I was told "NO, contact the dealer, we have no information".

  • Marty Burton

    Marty Burton


    To begin with I purchased this service (along with new fork tubes) back on Mar. 9th from The Moto Hub was instructed on the 11th (by Rob I guess he works in your customer service) to send them to Tedd Cycle/Motorshop 9 Scobie Dr Newburgh NY 12550 RA #RA113531. They received them on the 13th., Four weeks later I inquired about them and was told they misplaced them. Two days later I'm told they found them and they would start on them asap. A couple days later Rob calls and says that I need to buy some more parts to fix my forks correctly. This was not a problem as I want them done right. What is a problem is that this was 2 weeks ago I was told (again by Rob) at the beginning of this week they would finish them and ship this week and he would forward the tracking # when he received it from V-Twin. You would think after misplacing my fork legs to begin with for 3 weeks they and Rob would show some urgency to finish this job and ship it to the customer BUT NO by the time you read this tomorrow it will be Fri and this will drag on out to 7 weeks. I'm not pleased with either Moto Hubs or V-Twin service and I intend to voice my opinion on your Facebook page and any where else I can.

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