Technique cleaners w Thornwood

Stany ZjednoczoneTechnique cleaners


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

35, Kensico Road, 10594, Thornwood, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-741-1110
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.124062, Longitude: -73.780208

komentarze 3

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  • en

    Tony Sorrentino


    Since moving to the area, I've been to several dry cleaners and have finally settled on these guys. They have such exceptional service and a great turn around. They've been able to get out stains that no other dry cleaners have been able to. They've now successfully cleaned three stains that other dry cleaners have failed to clean for me. really high quality cleaning have made this place my go-to dry cleaner in Pleasantville. Price is little bit high but they get the job done which is more important to me. I don't mind spending a few more bucks to an establishment where they know how to get things done right the first time. Best Dry Cleaner in Town!

  • en

    George Perselis


    Nothing but thieves! My wife brought in two Canada Goose jackets to have them dry cleaned. The sign on the wall says "cost will be no more than $50 for dry cleaning of down coats". She agrees to have them cleaned. Upon picking them up the owner charges her $110 PER COAT!!! My wife pays and leaves infuriated. She returns to the store to have a word with the owner regarding the ridiculous price. He tells her "If you bought a car in Manhattan do you think it would be cheap?" HUH? He lowers the price to $150 and doesn't budge. NEVER AGAIN you thieves!!! She took our coats to another dry cleaner in the area and they charged her $34 per coat and did a terrific job. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE!

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