Technical Diesel Innovations w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneTechnical Diesel Innovations



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5162, Lemons Road, 76140, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-915-4063
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.5826441, Longitude: -97.2509774

komentarze 5

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    Rick Fields


    Used to have good service at a reasonable savings compared to the dealers. My last experience was not good. Left the TDI with him on Sat to be finished on Mon. (Belt change and transmission service)He told me Mon, it would be finished Tue at 6pm , drove 100 miles to pick it up, it was not ready. Total time wasted between my wife and myself was 8 hrs driving to finally get the car. We ask him to fix the radio that was working when we brought it to him last time, when we left his place it had bad static. He told us this time he could not fix it,he did not cause the problem. Said “it’s not a perfect world”! This experience cost us about $200 dollars more than the dealers and we did not get a nice loaner to drive and the car wasn’t detailed and looking like a showroom car. We intend to use the dealer from now on.

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    Kristian Humble


    Steve and his shop employees are uncooperative. His employees installed my dual mass flywheel. In the process they removed the transmission in my 06 jetta. I was called by Steve stating it was ready, arrived after 2 hour drive, it wasn't ready by any means, was told it wouldn't be much longer so we decided to stay and wait, it ended up being another 6 hours and after dark before they were finished, luckily one of The shop employees lived there along with his wife and daughter, so our children were able to play. The car died 1 month after their work. Took to certified vw tech. Was informed previous shop installed the oil and transmission filter upside down, used the wrong atf fluid, and added a plug to a hose going into the transmission causing it to seize and be stuck in second. Steve refuses to work with us in anyway at all. Steve was never once there to supervise in anyway.

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    Azeala Howard


    This guy is such a sorry price of work don’t every do dealings with him. He just thought that I’d never find out all the bs he put in my car I’m surprised that I’m and the car is still in tacked

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    Gary Graves


    Run, don't walk away from this place. After keeping my car for almost a year for a head rebuild they return it to me out of time and with injectors improperly torqued and leaking fuel. Not to mention the cooling fan wasn't connected so they couldn't have ran it long enough to judge their work without it overheating. There are other instances of incompetency and downright dishonesty. Invoice padding, lying about status, etc. Go here at your own risk.

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    Steve is incredibly crooked and unable to follow instructions. He made multiple repairs without my consent after I made it very clear I wanted to be notified before any charges/repairs were made. Got my car home and still had the same issues. I will pay someone else to repair the car before I allow this shop to touch another one of my vehicles. STAY AWAY

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