Tech Boys Sayville w Sayville

Stany ZjednoczoneTech Boys Sayville



🕗 godziny otwarcia

38, Main Street, 11782, Sayville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-707-8324
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.736057, Longitude: -73.081724

komentarze 5

  • en

    mr gadget


    Justin took the time to help me with a problem and was very knowledgeable and most importantly HONEST about all questions I had. He is an asset to your business and I hope his supervisor recognizes the quality employee he is. Thanks Justin!

  • Beck _

    Beck _


    Tech Greek Gods, exellent price for exellent service! Would recomemd to anyone!!!!

  • en

    Meagan Bartow


    They repaired the LCD and the phone wasn’t this responsive out of the box, so they get two thumbs up and price was very reasonable

  • en

    Rem Godfrey


    Came to them on a recommendation from a worker at Verizon when they couldn't fix my phone. The people here are very nice, and do great work. They were able to fix my phone, and communicated with me through out. I would highly recommend them to anyone.

  • en

    Brendan Gilley


    I brought my PC to Tech Boys two consecutive times; the first time, the PC was fixed in about a week, the staff was incredibly friendly, and the PC ran incredibly well. I decided to try and upgrade the PC by myself, which ultimately, and unsurprisingly, did not go very well. The staff at Tech Boys welcomed me back with the same enthusiasm as my first visit. Once again, the repair was fast, and this time, I was given great deals on parts that I needed to improve my computer's performance. I will always go to Tech Boys for any hardware-related issues I may have in the future. Pedro was incredibly enthusiastic about performing the work on my computer, and I could tell he genuinely cared about the outcome of his work. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.

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