Teachers Federal Credit Union w Merrick

Stany ZjednoczoneTeachers Federal Credit Union



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1638, Merrick Road, 11566, Merrick, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-698-7000
strona internetowej: www.teachersfcu.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6521473, Longitude: -73.5598681

komentarze 5

  • en

    vildan lazri


    Horrible customer service. The manager is an animal does not know how to speak to customers at all. I called to add my name into the loan they told me to fax over the information what I needed done. I did it a month goes by no answer from anyone I called today asking them what’s going on and they had no clue what I was talking about that they never received any fax which is not true my fax machine stated it went threw so they got it fax prob threw it away. They then told me I was unable to do this to add my name. Now you tell me that after a month of running around waiting I asked to speak with the manager and she was rude cursed at me screaming to let her only speak. I told her that the office worker told me a month ago to do this now you telling me something different there no help. Horrible service horrible people!!!

  • DJ MORE awesome dude

    DJ MORE awesome dude


  • en

    Geeta Ramlochan


    This company is so crazy my hubby on the phone with Chris verifying his info. And authorizing me to inquire on the car not and he gave us he'll. To I provided the account number and answered all the rep question then she's like oh there is a note I can't give u any more information omg worse customer service It's like u r asking them for money over the phone instead of paying them They are all absolutely obnoxious!!!

  • Putragis Taragis

    Putragis Taragis


    Just closed a loan with this institution. The application and approval process and after closing support are bleeeccchh! One of the worst I've seen.

  • en

    Dorice Ambroise


    I called to speak to a loan officer "Ryan" at the Merrick branch and he was extremely rude. He hung up the phone on me and didn't have the courtesy to return my call.

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