Teac America Inc en Montebello

Estados UnidosTeac America Inc



🕗 horarios

7733, Telegraph Road, 90640, Montebello, Los Angeles County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 323-726-0303
sitio web: www.teac.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.976866, Longitude: -118.123605

comentarios 3

  • en

    Scott Murray


    I have only called once, but I talked to Robby and he diagnosed my problems in 2 shakes of a lamb's tail. Thanks!!!

  • Aleta Mason

    Aleta Mason


    Garbage Product. Garbage Service. PRODUCT- Bought cd recorder/turntable/cassette/radio. LP- R550-usb. Bought mainly to record tapes to cd. Taped onto ONE cd, came out great. Went to do next tape to cd and nothing. Why does no one know how to make a cd player/recorder that actually works? Is there no company in the world that knows how to make a cd player and or recorder that lasts more than a few days or months? SERVICE- Nightmare customer service number that plays games with you, pushing you around . Finally , on erd try reached a person. He took some info, asked me to hold, then handed me over to someones voicemail. So now Im supposed to believe that I will get a call back. I suspect they dont want to honor the warranty so will keep stalling for time, hoping I give up. So IF i get any info on where/how to send to factory (at MY expense), it will probably mean several weeks of waiting for it to be fixed and returned. So, I guess Im supposed to have faith that the repair will hold, even though they didnt know how to build the unit in the first place and even though they apparently have no quality control person checking before they ship out to stores. LOSER company, loser workers. Will they get laid off and will teac move to china? Who cares?

  • en

    Scott Dunst


    Easily the most incompetent company I have ever had to deal with. I specifically had to deal with their warranty department for professional disc publishing equipment. After the initial RMA acceptance, their technician refused to return our e-mails. We were forced to interact with a customer service clerk who could not answer our technical questions. The hardware sat in a queue for over two weeks before they began the repairs. Then they never included a full report of the repairs done as we requested. Finally, when they shipped us back the repaired equipment, their warehouse messed up and shipped via the wrong service and the wrong place. Five thousand dollars worth of equipment, and they could not even be bothered to reply to the most basic queries or ship it correctly. If you need professional disc publishing, turn to Epson. We've had outstanding customer service experiences there, all the time. TEAC is just awful.

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