Tea Station w Irvine

Stany ZjednoczoneTea Station



🕗 godziny otwarcia

15333, Culver Drive, 92604, Irvine, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 949-653-9989
strona internetowej: teastationusa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6956036, Longitude: -117.7991862

komentarze 5

  • Sasha Baharestar

    Sasha Baharestar


    closes 11:30 on weekdays. were really rude when I showed up after. should really update their hours and fix attitudes.

  • en

    Dawn Fiebiger


    It is a pleasant atmosphere.. Culture diverse..I ♥️Teas..At The Tea Place.. I'm willing to try the Pho Soup.. I like that they have Ginger 🍋 Tea..Very Heathly for you..Prices are descent for your budget...

  • Arman Kami

    Arman Kami


    Once again a bad experience in this tea Station .it took more than 1 hour to prepare our order just couple of Teas and also the order was wrong at the end. taking big size tea in soup Bowl very hard to enjoy hot tea. Tea was super sweet.

  • Stanley Cordova

    Stanley Cordova


    Loved the atmosphere of this place. It is very hard to find somewhere to sit and relax with family before moving on to the craziness of the market. I had a mocha which I enjoyed immensely! Everyone else enjoyed their drink also. Plenty of places to sit. Highly recommend this place!

  • en

    David Chien


    Of the boba drink shops in SoCal from Ding Tea to Bloomz to etc etc, Tea Station remains my #1 standard for a great drink, real tea taste, fast service, and consistency over the past three years. Nothing else in OC that I've visited is better tasting for boba drinks, so you can safely start here and never go anywhere else. The difference is some other places tend towards artificial flavors where you don't even taste tea, but here, it's like the original Taiwanese boba drinks with a solid base of brewed Chinese teas. It also serves various meals that can be had to go, from the pork stew to the fried fish. These along with the milk teas are their best picks. Naturally, you've got lesser items like the appetizers and noodles, but keep in mind the name of this shop 'Tea Station'! Their bagged teas are also good, like their cold brew tea, for making tea at home. The location is big enough for studying for hours, free Wifi, decent bathroom, good service usually, and consistent food and drink taste. Year after year, this is where I return to. Yes, you can adjust ice and sugar levels. The default is Sugary like all Taiwanese boba if you've been in Taipei. (The Tea Station in Torrance, where tons of Japanese live actually always asks if you'd like less sugar, which is the preference of Japanese.) Milk tea, honey milk tea, rose tea are some basics to start trying. For non-milk, try the passion fruit green tea. Excellent! In the summer, the limited edition watermelon juice is available, and so delicious when in season sweet!

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