TD Bank i New York

Forenede StaterTD Bank



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7955, Metropolitan Avenue, 11379, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-894-6218
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.713598, Longitude: -73.8721052

kommentar 5

  • lllcrislll YT

    lllcrislll YT


    Muy buena la atención y el horario!

  • Patty Wittreich

    Patty Wittreich


    This bank has a very nasty Manager on staff.. I didn't catch his name but he was on duty on 8/11/2017 @ 8:30 am. He has no respect for the customers. I explained to him that the atm never gave me my money but debited my account and his response was , ' I cannot do anything for you, all I can say is DON'T use the atm'.... That was a horrible response and I think he should not be allowed to interact with the public! He is nasty to everyone that enters the bank with an Issue with YOUR Atm's.... needless to say, one of the girls then came over and assisted me very nicely and then told me it will take up to 3 business days to get my money back.... So, it took 2 seconds to take my money but 3 business days to return it! I will be moving my cash to Chase!!

  • en

    Christie Nielsen


    Had several issues with an account here recently. Tried to resolve them over the phone but was directed to go to a branch instead. Rather upset and frustrated, I met with Mauro A who assured me that everything would be taken care of. I followed up with him a few days later over the phone, surprised that he rememberd me immediately, and relieved that the issues were resolved so quickly. Thank you, Mauro, for your quick, efficient and friendly service!

  • Noir Boutique

    Noir Boutique


    Horrible customer service i had a really bad experience with an employee named Wes called management on phone she was really nice . However, he was rude and incompetent. My transaction that he refused to do was taken care of in another Branch. I will never go back to this branch again will be closing my account and moving on to Chase.

  • en

    Nina Hernandez


    "Most convenient" my behind. Went to speak to a banker regarding account & there was a long line with only 1 banker. Waited 15 minutes, he was still with the same person, we left. The bank should have... if not 3 alteast 2 bankers on hand. Not everyone can come in on weekdays & who wants to go to the bank after a long days work. Weekends best for "banking" so please resolve this issue. Thank you.

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