TD Bank w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTD Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

640, Pelham Parkway South, 10462, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-239-2354
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8564417, Longitude: -73.8679665

komentarze 5

  • en

    Frederick Martin


    Walked in to open a business account. (4/18/18) The whole environment was loud and hostile. I observed everyone working, and seriously, no one seemed professional. When the lady at the front called my name, I approached her and she checked my documents right their at the sign in desk. I mean come on, no office? No privacy? After she wasn’t sure if I had all of the documents, she directed me to an employee at a booth. She wasn’t personable at all. Process seemed rushed. As if TD bank has no other banking competition. Moral of the story, this was my first time ever stepping into a TD bank. I’m not judging the company as a whole, but this branch is definitely/desperately in need of some new, and fresh leadership.

  • Dope Videos

    Dope Videos


    Their service is terrible. There’s a black guy kind of chubby this guy is freaking disgusting. He doesn’t know how to treat customers for real, If it was possible I would fire this non campus mentis. I’m just going to cancel my account.

  • en

    terry h


    How do you have a 4.1 star when the line is through the door ALWAYS SSSSS& Everyone speaks Spanish..... SERIOUSLY DO BETTER

  • en

    Bambi K


    Has quite a few atms, don't need branch open to access. Always plus!!

  • Shaquille Bent

    Shaquille Bent


    I opened my first checking account with this branch a few years ago and its still the main branch that I visit. The staff here are very kind and knowledgeable so I do appreciate that. The only downside to this place is that they have the old ATMs that only dispenses $20 bills, which can be a hassle and the lines can get super long at times even if there is adequate staff available, which is weird to me.

najbliższy Bank

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