TD Bank i Plainview

Forenede StaterTD Bank



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500, Old Country Road, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-931-2027
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.770205, Longitude: -73.5007475

kommentar 5

  • en

    Phil Green


    Always helpful. Pretty quick service. Very convenient hours

  • Joseph Farhangian

    Joseph Farhangian


    Great rates. Good service.

  • en

    Jesse Calamo


    Worlds most convenient bank... not so much. The ATM was always broken, I'd go across the street and have to pay a fee. Annoying but they would usually reimburse me. This I could have lived with but one day I had went in to turn in change VIA their penny arcade machine. Halfway through the machine said it was full. I had counted it at home and it was close to $325 in change. The machine stopped around $150. The manager came over and I explained what happened. He said "No problem" and swept the coins through the hole of the counter (wheel was not spinning) and told me they would still be counted. Lo and behold, the ticket printed for $150 and the change was now mixed in with the rest. I was told I miscounted (by more than double?!?). I am a white dude with dreadlocks, this shouldn't matter but I felt like they immediately thought I was trying to scam money out of them. Will never use TD bank again, I'd rather pay 10% at coin star than have the bank pull something like this.

  • zahirul alam

    zahirul alam


  • Kerry Ryndfleisz

    Kerry Ryndfleisz


    They are opened on Martin Luther King Day and they have longer business hours.

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