TD Bank w Rocky Point

Stany ZjednoczoneTD Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

320, New York 25A, 11778, Rocky Point, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-209-2453
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9444508, Longitude: -72.9451726

komentarze 5

  • en

    Fay S


    Im canceling my account as soon as I get back to NY. Worst bank ever. They can’t help you with anything! What are they good for if they just tell you to call the 1888 number and those people are even worse!

  • en

    Faith Casola


    Rude and unreasonable. I cannot wait to change banks.

  • Jonathan Keen

    Jonathan Keen


    Got coins? This is the place to grab a bank account and use their coin machine to feed your vacation funds.

  • John Lewis

    John Lewis


    They have always been helpful and courteous with me and I love their convenient hours. They understand the working man better than any other bank

  • en

    robert clemente


    went to close a business account and a personal account. The teller said he would have to send me to a bank person at a desk. He called over to the man sitting at the first desk and seemed to have a conversation about the accounts in question. He hung up and said he closed them for you, I looked over and he waived to me yes they are closed. By the way, they could care less I closed them. They never asked why and said have a nice day! I closed them because their fees are on the moon and the customer service for online banking is horrendous! Spoke to a gal named Jessica, would not say where she was from or what her function was, just told me witha disgusting attitude to go back to the branch and close them again and deal with all the fees that have accrued for them paying ach activity with no balance in the account for 2 months.! Took no responsibilty or even looked at the dates to see there was no activity for 2 months and the record shows I was in the branch on the date I said I closed them. I could go on and on! Stay away from these people, they are the lowest of the low!!!!! But FEES AS HIGH AS THE EYE CAN SEE!!!! Keep up the good work TD!! you will go down with the best of them!!

najbliższy Bank

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