TD Bank w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTD Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1091, 3rd Avenue, 10065, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-753-2467
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7648461, Longitude: -73.9638737

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ellen Fisher


    very nice staff

  • American Spirit

    American Spirit


    Horrible service ... I asked for the person in charge .. not here ... asked for the name .. non of your business , the dumb ass said ... You can hear the phone call on YOUTUBE.... TD Bank Phone Call 3av 64 St.

  • en

    M R


    Terrible service. Horribly managed. Employees with little customer service skills. Sunday afternoon 4/23 at 1:30pm I sat patiently waiting for the customer service person, just as the security guard instructed me to do. 25 minutes or so later others that arrived after me were taken by the CS rep. Despite all employees knowing I'd arrived first. When I complained the security said they were regular customer that had been there earlier. Poorly managed...I was forced to walk down 57th.

  • en

    mahbub alam


    I called this branch for several times, most of the time no one answers the call. some time even someone answers but they keep you waiting for long and then hang up the phone. very bad customer support. the customer car line of this bank gives you confusing information and they really can't answer your queries properly. give halfhearted answer and one very common answer "you will have wait & see, once something comes up in the system only we can let you know"...even if they promise to call you back, they never do that at all....extremely horrible customer service ever I had....hope someone in higher level looks after this post and act accordingly....!!!!!!!!!!

  • en

    Diane Schwartz


    Excellent bank with excellent staff and hours!

najbliższy Bank

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