Target w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneTarget



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4515, East Thomas Road, 85018, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-952-1797
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4776637, Longitude: -111.983925

komentarze 5

  • Kortney Allison

    Kortney Allison


    Great Target and is always clean. The workers have always been super friendly and willing to help out.

  • Rocki Lauren

    Rocki Lauren


    I love all Targets and especially this one because it's close to my house. But it's a great location. They have lots of sales. The only bad thing about this place is that the area traffic gets pretty bad.not I the parking lot but the main streets it's on so it might take a bit to get in the lot or out the lot.

  • en

    Victor Smith


    The shopping is great here (albeit slightly more pricy than Walmart) but the really reason I enjoy this place is the Starbucks and the small Target brand cafe! The breakfast is actually pretty good for the price and if you're in a hurry it's a rather quick stop! Lunch is good too, but it is a bit more costly.

  • en

    Monika Piazza


    Great store. It's large, yet clean and heavily staffed. If I have a question about where a product is, there is always someone right around the corner. Everyone has always been super friendly. The check out lines may be long, but they move quickly. Great store, just always busy.

  • Shaina Churchfield

    Shaina Churchfield


    Hector in Electronics was amazing. We are just leaving now and told the manager on duty and he didn’t care at all. Which was super disappointing. By enough about that lame guy. We called ahead to see if they had the Nintendo Switch and he found out which model and colors were available, and also pricing. We asked if they price matched Walmart and he hopped online, found the price we saw and said yep! Then he asked which games we wanted,are sure he had them, and told us to come on in. When we got there we found hm, he gave us a bunch of tips and pointers (make sure you add a memory card, check out the Nintendo website for old school games, etc) and then was super patient when we scanned what felt like a thousand gift cards. Hector was an unexpected amazing customer service experience when customer service is completely unexpected from a store we go to often. It’s too bad the guy we told about his awesomeness barely made eye contact with us. Thanks Hector

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