Target w Cleveland

Stany ZjednoczoneTarget



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3535, Steelyard Drive, 44109, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 216-325-1107
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4578609, Longitude: -81.6891523

komentarze 5

  • en

    Patricia Lesti


    This is my kind of store . I have never been disappointed here. I can find many nice things here. The store is clean and staff is always making it is tidy. Parking is free and handy cap accessible. It has a Starbucks which I like.

  • en

    Chase Thompson


    Updated: I have never been in a worse Target than this one. They are always out of everything and now refused to accept returns that were just purchased. Apparently, Target has a policy that you are not able to return within 48 hours of purchasing the item(s). I purchased a grill using the online and pick up in store but unfortunately when my husband went to pick it up, the box did not fit in his vehicle, so he went back in to return with the RECIPT THAT SAYS SCAN FOR RETURNS! They are refusing to allow him to return it, this has been going on for about 45 minutes. If you are purchasing things that you know you are not going to have to return for whatever reason, I am sure you are fine but I would NOT RECOMMEND purchasing anything here that you may even return due to malfunction or incorrect sizing, etc. Clearly there return policy needs updated to say returns accepted within 90 days but not sooner than 48 hours from purchase. The manager (Sese) was very nice and apologetic and was arguing with corporate to return it, as they have done it before and corporate REFUSED and refused to let her speak to a manager or higher up at corporate. Clearly Target needs to get their act together if even their managers are not able to provide the customer service that should be due to some corporate BS that has the ability to be over-riden by a simple number that was left off of our receipt.

  • en

    Matthew Slaughter


    Ordered a dresser online. Worst decision ever. They used FedEx which is the only courier that does not have access to my apartment building for some reason so I had to pick up the item from the FedEx office after a failed delivery attempt. Not Target's fault that FedEx doesn't have access to my building. The dresser comes in two boxes. Those boxes were shipped separately by Target creating two different deliveries causing me to pick up each box at two totally different locations. One item, two shipments, two different pickups in two different parts of town. When I FINALLY got both of the boxes home the dresser came with 62 pieces. Not including screws, brackets, and legs. It was an awful labor horse but what was even more awful is that it was encased in what seemed to be pureed styrofoam that spread throughout my entire house. It was stuck to everything inside the box, fully coated, and then it was soon stuck to everything else inside my house. I was picking styrofoam out of my hair and nose. It was so bad that I was forced to stop halfway through the assembly to go out and buy a handheld vacuum. Random pieces were cracked and chip just enough to, after having put in so much time to receive and assemble, not worth a return. If you have any self respect, spend an extra $100 somewhere else on furniture. Worst furniture purchasing experience I've EVER had.

  • Damon Brown

    Damon Brown


    There was a very young guy by the name of jason who helped me and my wife. I feel as if he done an amazing job .I believe that was a job well done ☺ assisting us.

  • Holy Dance15

    Holy Dance15


    Amazing place that I have never seen before. Thanksgiving went cool everything was under take I bought a lot of stuff that I have never had before. The food is smiling nice in the maall. I also grabbed some yummy. I had a beautiful day today

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