Target w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneTarget



🕗 godziny otwarcia

21001, North Tatum Boulevard, 85050, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-419-9380
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.674282, Longitude: -111.9744715

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gabrielle Selna


    I recently purchased glasses and contacts from this Target's Optical Center. The service was outstanding, the doctor was very knowledgeable and friendly, and the selection of glasses was wonderful. The Versace and Rayban frames are perfection. I found that their selection was better than most eyeglass centers I've been to. I highly recommend this Target and it's optical center.

  • en

    Reem Al-Owaish


    The WORST target experience ever !!! After I spent HOURS in target collecting what I need , I left my cart in the area next to cashier and went back to the shelves for maybe less than half an hour , when I came back I did not find my cart ,, they took every thing !!! ,,, vegetables and eggs to the vegetables corner and one or more things back to the shelves , and the rest of things in a cart with many other things in the customer service store ,,,, this is their AWFUL POLICY , , they told me that they take care of food ,,,,, IF THIS IS THE IDEA , take the food back to the shelves and leave other things in the cart , next to customer servise desk !

  • Brian Deatherage

    Brian Deatherage


    Actually lied to me, and cost me an extra $40. when brought to a managers attention on the phone later once I noticed she hungup on me. I actually can get heated but was so calm and nice im rather surprised at her action. ive decided not to shop here anymore.

  • en

    Krishnasamy srisubramanian


    This is very nice place to purchase any thing like normal Household goods including electronics, dresses, medicines, mobile related accessories. The attitude of the sales executives are lovable. When I tried to find something one sales person volunteered and shown my product in a right place. There is also a nice food court . we can enjoy our coffee or snacks like that. Affordable, Best wishes

  • Jackie Duncan

    Jackie Duncan


    Very nice Target in Desert Ridge that is clean and conveniently located near the 101 and the 51 freeways. Great selection of home goods, electronics and clothing. The parking lot can be a little chaotic at times so watch out for pedestrians and impatient drivers.

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