Taquitos Jalisco Mexican Food w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneTaquitos Jalisco Mexican Food



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1052, W Broadway Rd, 85210, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-964-9700
strona internetowej: www.taquitosjalisco.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4078371, Longitude: -111.8540361

komentarze 5

  • en

    Evelyn Osuna


    Had lunch with my son yesterday. Was Not the best. We had carne asada tacos. The were cold, the meat looked old and it was not fresh. The 1 ladies there were eating while taking orders was very rude and unsanitary. I would give it no stars and Do Not recommend going there. Best tacos Ever is in Chandler called los taquitos. The best everything!!

  • Robert Willis

    Robert Willis


    My wife and I met her high school friend here for breakfast on her friend’s recommendation. Cute little place that has a drive-thru with a few tables inside. You order at the counter and pay and then sit down. They bring the food to you when it’s ready. Huge portions for a reasonable price. The food and service was good.

  • en

    Dale Hicks


    Amazing Mexican food. Small out of the way location, but worth making the trip. Today I had the green Chile stew & my wife had some street tacos. Green Chile stew was filled with pork and the overall "bite" was commensurate with the green Chile flavor. Not alit of seating but they have a drive thru if you want to get it to take home, but you'll miss out on the salsa bar.

  • Bruce Freedle

    Bruce Freedle


    Good Mexican Food at a good price! They have a drive-thru or you order at a counter & they bring the food out to your table. They have the same daily specials that are available everyday. They include a drink & are under $9.00. They have 4 different hot sauces, which all are very tasty without being too hot. Bilingual service because it's authentic food that brings in a crowd that misses their native Jalisco regional Mexican Food. If I lived close enough, I would dine there 3 or 4 times a month.

  • Adriane Arnold

    Adriane Arnold


    Some of the best Mexican food around. Everything on the menu is amazing and super customizable. The taco salad is great the shell stays crunchy for so long and they really pack in the fillings. I would recommend this place anytime!

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