Tangerine Thai Restaurant i Seattle

Forenede StaterTangerine Thai Restaurant



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5914, Phinney Avenue North, 98103, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-706-8424
internet side: thetangerinethai.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.6722666, Longitude: -122.3541549

kommentar 5

  • Dave R.

    Dave R.


    Run of the mill at best.

  • Divina Herbs

    Divina Herbs


    Every time I have been here their food is outstanding. The server is always so polite. There really isn't much else to say, I would just go on in and see for yourself.

  • en

    Sarah Pfau


    The lighting needs some work and those mirrors on the wall are out of place. Just get a large red or blue-Ish painting and stick it in be center there. This could be a really nice place with a great feel... but it has a ways to go. That little bar could be great too! --if it has some mood/ambience work done on it. Get help with the interior design, otherwise I can't see this place sticking around very long. Feels too dead and sad inside right now.

  • Nicholas Eden

    Nicholas Eden


    Nice restaurant, mediocre food. The entrees are rather bland. Even when requesting their spiciest option, it is only mild. Very Americanized food.

  • Sara Slayton

    Sara Slayton


    My Pad Kee Mau was not good at all - arguably the worst I've ever had. It had pickled(?) asparagus and an extremely strong taste of lime. I picked the food up to go so I didn't have experience with the service but I heard later from a co-worker that she had a horrible experience with being put on hold for 20 minutes when trying to place an order. Definitely would not go there again.

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