Taco Bell w Clackamas

Stany ZjednoczoneTaco Bell



🕗 godziny otwarcia

16040, Southeast 82nd Drive, 97015, Clackamas, Clackamas County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 503-655-3560
strona internetowej: locations.tacobell.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4065142, Longitude: -122.5686019

komentarze 5

  • en

    B Disselbrett


    What can you say it taco bell..I like it .very clean .nice people very fast

  • en

    Andrea Torres


    The worst night crew of any taco bell in existence. I've gone there twice in the past two months and I will not be going back. Both times, they served me cold burritos. First time, despite having clearly been microwaved instead of being made fresh, all of our burritos were cold, they didn't switch out the cheese sauce with guac like we asked for the fries (which were also cold), and they forgot our cinnamon twists. This time we waited a long time at the window while the six people on staff literally played with boxes in between slowly working on food and joking/yelling at each other. They gave us cold burritos yet again, they didn't add potatoes like I asked, and forgot the cinnamon twists AGAIN. We made sure to check the bag this time and got back in line for our cinnamon twists, but it was a fifteen minute wait for the two cars in front of us because of how slowly everyone was being served. I'd prefer a closed taco Bell to one this awful. Never going back.

  • en

    Kira Azure


    Do yourself a favor and go somewhere else to eat. The few times I've been to this taco bell my food has always been cold, has had barely any filling inside, or my order has just been wrong. Wont be wasting my money again after today. My boyfriend got almost no meat in his gordita crunch (it was an almost completely empty taco shell with lettuce inside), my soft taco was cold, his fries were cold (this has been the case every time we've gotten them from this location), and they didn't give us any sauce. I'm normally pretty forgiving when it comes to mistakes, ive worked in food service and know we all make them, but this has happened about 4 times now. The only time we have gotten our order correct was at night.

  • en

    Cory Elzinga


    Absolute worst taco Bell I have tried to like and keep going back to... Went through the drive through and as I was leaving I was trying to make sure all my food was in the bag but the girl in the window just kept saying "It's all in there" so I felt rushed and took off. Come to find out we not only did they miss our hard shell taco, and didn't switch out our nachos in the cravings box for the cinnamon twists which we got charged extra for, then they give us these nasty white fries they tried to pass off as "seasoned". I can not tell you how many times I've had to have my meal replaced from this Taco Bell, I will not be going back, hopefully the new on near the mall will provide better service...

  • en

    Matthias Shufflebottom


    At this location, the employees freeze their grilled stuffed burritos and thaw them out before serving them up. I was one of the unlucky recipients to receive a partially frozen/half thawed XXL/Beef Grilled Stuffed Burrito. When I told the employee what had happened, she flat out denied the fact that my burrito was partially frozen. All she had to do was tell the truth, and I would have forgotten the entire situation. But, she lied and treated me as if I were an interloper, rather than treating me as a paying customer. It's okay to make mistakes, we all make mistakes. But, to flat out lie to a regular paying customer is unacceptable. My advice: When you screw up, fess up. Plus, honesty is a virtue. Not only that, but honesty is the easiest virtue to adhere to. If you can't be honest, then I don't want you handling my food.

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