Taco Bell w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneTaco Bell



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1435, Eastchase Parkway, 76120, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-277-3272
strona internetowej: locations.tacobell.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7583318, Longitude: -97.166618

komentarze 5

  • Bridgett Hocog

    Bridgett Hocog


    Taco bell is taco bell... Fast food is fast food. Can't ask for great food quality but I can say that THIS particular taco bell tries to make your food right every time. I always go in and order the mini shredded chicken quesadillas without chipotle sauce and EXTRA grilled and they always oblige.

  • en

    Derrick Geter


    For hot to give me my cheese sauce that comes with the meal and when I went to get it tried to make me pay again ......

  • Peyton Pustmueller

    Peyton Pustmueller


    They usually are good but not lately. They recently hired on a person who thinks they are better than anyone and will talk down to you every single time you say something. Also something that I just brush off but it should t happen every single guy at the window try’s to make a pass at me. Fix your staff

  • en

    Wesley Cox


    No matter what time I go they always seem to forget something. Every time I come I always get 2 5 layer burritos with extra sour cream. Now. They do charge me extra just to have extra sour cream and I 100% understand that. But every time I've asked they somehow forget it yet still charge me. Not to mention the last time I went I ordered my usual plus 2 chicken burritos with extra avocado sauce (I'm a sauce nut I know) and I literally had no sauce with it and each bite was just rice until I got to the end which had 1 slice of chicken in it. Opened up the other chicken burrito to find the exact same thing done. No sauce the entire burrito was just rice and at the very end they out one small piece of chicken. Now to my understanding that's pretty messed up to do to someone. I will not be going back to this location. The young lady who takes the order is friendly and usually hooks it up with the hot sauce. But the other staff including management needs to be completely redone.

  • Tanner Wright

    Tanner Wright


    Food is as expected. Cheap "Mexican" fast food. This particular location has shorted me a couple times but has some of the nicest drive through employees. It also gave me my first case of food poisoning two days ago. I didn't eat for 48 hours because I was spraying from both ends.

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