Taco Bell i Saginaw

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterTaco Bell



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1117, North Saginaw Boulevard, 76179, Saginaw, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 682-286-9269
internet side: locations.tacobell.com
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Latitude: 32.877543, Longitude: -97.3794651

kommentar 5

  • Mackenna Towery

    Mackenna Towery


    Always a great place to spend time and eat quality food

  • Topher Reed

    Topher Reed


    Their breakfast was surprisingly awesome! So good! It's just as great as the rest of the menu items!

  • katherine kim Brown

    katherine kim Brown


    The staff is always so kind! Not just friendly but they come across genuinely kind. That's so rare these days! I will go out of my way to go to this taco bell just because of the staff.

  • Lisa Long

    Lisa Long


    The young lady that made my food was horrible. I paid for extra cheese and when my husband asked if they could please add more cheese she got so upset. Threw the cheese on the nachos and shoved the nachos back to the mice young man that asked her to put more in them. He said to her that he was sorry and she muttered something under her breath and continued to throwing good together. She was not having a good night. Just a shame. No reason at all to be ugly. They need an adult supervisor to be on site to ensure the attitudes stay checked.

  • Thomas Pasos

    Thomas Pasos


    Never again will I expect anything from Taco Bell but overall failure. I ordered a chicken taco salad with extra tomatoes and the chicken was dry. I look for the extra tomatoes I was charged for but low and behold nothing but 7 pieces of tomatoes. I am ready to eat my salad in front of my child's school with a disappointed attitude and to my further dismay I discover there are no utensils. Now I'm eating with my hands and a taco shell that might as well be a wet paper bag! Unsatisfied.

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