Tabla w El Paso

Stany ZjednoczoneTabla



🕗 godziny otwarcia

115, Durango Street, 79901, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 915-533-8935
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.7569871, Longitude: -106.4936268

komentarze 5

  • en

    Timothy Sliski


    Loved the food here. Everything was unique and well prepared. We were there on a Saturday night and they had live music which was nice, too.

  • en

    Lloyd Blunk


    Great food. I've been there many times and tried just about everything on the menu. I have never been let down by their food. Their staff is also extremely friendly.

  • Veronica Montes

    Veronica Montes


    Whatever food you get it will be amazing. The service is excellent as well. The lunch specials are good. I love everything about this place.

  • Ben Bentley

    Ben Bentley


    Great food and service. Don't miss out, it's not in a busy area. We went through a combination of hotel and TA reviews. We walked there, guided by Google Maps and reached the end of the road and wondered if they were closed, (it was a Monday night) no flashing neon signs or pushy waiters dragging you in. So pleased we took those extra steps. The quality was excellent, we shared bacon wrapped dates, then the paella. The waitress kindly suggested that the smaller size would be enough for 2. Ended with chocolate creme brullee. All food we have eaten in other places, mostly Spain in Europe, but they added subtle differences. We washed it down with great beer and Margarita, and for the quality and service thought it was a fair price.

  • Kelli Rust

    Kelli Rust


    The atmosphere here is lovely. Very warm and welcoming. The menu selections all sound incredible. I enjoyed a sampling of the pork belly, pear & goat cheese salad & bacon wrapped dates. I was not disappointed. I also stole a bite of my friend's short rib, that was incredible, as were the Brussels sprouts.

najbliższy Bar

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