T-Mobile w West Islip

Stany ZjednoczoneT-Mobile



🕗 godziny otwarcia

490, Union Boulevard, 11795, West Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-539-8888
strona internetowej: www.t-mobile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7088039, Longitude: -73.296994

komentarze 5

  • Debra g

    Debra g


    So helpful great service

  • Christine K.

    Christine K.


    I was the only one in the store and the guy was on the phone talking. I waited 10 min. I left. This was in Feb

  • en

    Manny Romero


    Aisha has helped me out with all my problems, she is by far the best T-mobile representative i have ever dealt with at the west islip store. She is informative and helped me with everything. She went out of her way to help me, i had reccommended all my friends and family to her and she has taken great care of them. Thank you for all you have done, i will always be back and will ask for you.

  • en



    I was not at ALL surprised to publish my review and find that several others had already written about similar experiences with this location, particularly staff member Aisha. After fifteen years of being with T-Mobile I was at my wits end and ready to leave them altogether and it is because of Aisha and ONLY because of Aisha that I chose to stay. She is a phenomenal representation of the kind of employee and service that we all HOPE to receive but rarely do. She is honest, informative, knowledgeable about the products and services and genuinely cares -characteristics that are found few and far between particularly in the customer service industry. I am publishing this review after not one but two positive experiences with her. A+++ employee!

  • en

    Mike M


    Aisha is incredible! She is so patient, helpful, knowledgeable, friendly, helpful,.... and did I mention helpful!?!? I've been a T-Mobile customer since about 2002 or 2003, so I've experienced everything T-Mobile. Out of my 14-15 years with the company, I can honestly say hands-down that Aisha is the best the company has!

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