T-Mobile w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneT-Mobile



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4654, South Cooper Street, 76017, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-468-7354
strona internetowej: www.t-mobile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6714685, Longitude: -97.1352144

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lizbeth Soto


    Did not greet despite the fact their was four employees on the clock never asked if we needed help or even will be with you in just a minute . Took my business to another location close by .

  • en

    Bob Gand


    When i was enter in store no customer and very bad service bad experience.

  • en

    Jennifer A


    Some plane crashing jerk came in and was helped before us because they had a noon appointment. It WAS 1PM!!! Their plane crashing asses should have shown up at noon not an hour late. This is how you lose customers.

  • en

    Jose Hernandez


    ***BAD experience. Customer service was horrible. One good thing was that I was greeted when entering the store, thats it. Tmobile rep didnt explain things clearly and seemed to be in a rush to go to the next customer. Also his attitude and face seemed to show he was irritated, which I understand because MANAGER would not get off his back. The manager would constently give me bad looks and would keep pointing out to the rep to sell me services even after I politely said no. If you guys dont like your job dont work there. Managers STOP micromanaging your reps so dam much. ***

  • Marisela Sital

    Marisela Sital


    I been a customer of this location for 5 years and ive always been treated great.

najbliższy Sklep z elektroniką

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